Monday, June 16, 2014

The UCO Fox is out

So what do you think the UCO Fox is up to with all those hours spent at his office tap-tap-tapping away? I will tell you. He is up to up to no good. He has a fear that we, as the so called malefactor group will hurt his little plan to have a lifetime time job as the here all and be all head honcho at UCO. The thing that surprises all of us is that this fear he has is palpable and can be felt at all his public outings.

Can you imagine that he has spent his precious time and our treasure attacking the Messenger club. This club exists only for the reason that the Fox is spending our monies, the Village monies, your monies as fast as he can.

First he blew through 5 million on the roadway repairs, now he is planning and getting ready to blow through another couple of Million for his Wi-Fi initiative (whatever that means?), and the roads will still have to be repaired.

And his attentions are Focused on the Messenger club and its meetings. Does that make sense? Is it productive use of UCO’s time? Is it his fiduciary responsibility?

Instead of following this lead blindly, use your head. Is this good for you? Is it good for the Village?
Will any of this make our retirements better, more secure, more content? Absolutely not.

Lets get on the road to get rid of this annoyance and put a real leader in his place.


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