Friday, June 13, 2014

DAVID ISRAEL:   a desperate man drowning to keep from drawing his last breath before sinking into mud.  
In one of his final acts of  trying to save his soul David has placed an announcement on his blog to keep the residents away from attending the Messenger Club meetings.   
 Like the ride of Paul revere who informed you the British was coming; the Messenger Club is also an “INFORMATION ONLY VEHICLE." Unfortunately, David Israel with the help of Eva Rachesky and Joy Vestal is trying his best to shut us down. Eva has refused to allow us to place an announcement in the clubhouse about our meetings. Joy Vestal has refused to put our meeting notice on Channel 63 and David, ON HIS BLOG, is warning people to delete the e-mails notifying you of Messenger Club meetings.  He is perpetrating another disreputable LIE by telling you that the e-mail from the Messenger Club is a commercial advertisement. It is simply a notice of the date and agenda of their meeting.
 Simple psychology will tell you that when any animal is threatened, they will viciously attack you to defend themselves. This is what David Israel is doing.
In his mind, the fear  of  the pending lawsuit against him and UCO is threatening his very existence and for this reason, he is fighting tooth and nail to shut us up.  Unfortunately, for him, his tactics will not work because TRUTH ALWAYS WINS OUT.

1 comment:

  1. In today's world it is almost impossible to shut out someone totally. One can generally find a way. He tried to blackout our campaign and yet we found a way to get to the electorate. The same will happen here. Whether one agrees with an opinion or not, the American way is to allow it. David Israel, the proud NSA affiliate seems to have forgotten the very principles of the government for whom he was working.
