Friday, August 15, 2014

Wi-Fi at the Gates

So lets talk about Traffic Cameras and Wi-Fi. The proposal, by the dark knight at the UCO building says that we need Wi-Fi so that we can stream our traffic cameras from whence they are to a viewing area. Good Idea. The roads, green spaces all belong to WPRF. The pools, which are Wi-Fi'd all belong to WPRF, except for the 2 Wellington pools. One of which has been Wi-Fi.

So the point here is that the need for Wi-Fi to allow the installation of Cameras is a good idea, except Dave's idea that we should pay for it. I think WPRF should pay for it. It is their green space, their roads, their parks. It should not be a big deal. After all the Gate areas are already Wi-Fi'd using existing installations, mostly at the pools.

It further seems that UCO and WPRF have plenty of money to consider elevators for the Hasting Pool and plenty of money to consider Village Wide Wi-Fi, but no money for Village safety - Cameras.

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