Saturday,December 20,2014
This is a copy of D.Israel's post on his private blog, before he got the correct info and recinded it. Shameful!MALCONTENT MAMBO - PAY AT THE DOOR TO SUE YOURSELF?

These clubs seem to have a common template and consistency; namely UCO election losers,law suit filers, and general chaos generators. No new ideas are forthcoming, simply disruption and noise.
So, rumor has it, that on December 21, this newly begat club is holding a dance at our Clubhouse, and this dance will cost you
$5.00 to attend.
As you lay your money down to enter; ask the following question,how much of my money will be used to enable the great Solomon & Karpf self suing law suit(s)?
Dave Israel
So this is what we are up against. If the the TinMan(no heart, or is he the cowardly Lion-no guts) doesn't like what you are doing he will come down on you with everything he has. And so that is what seemed to happened to the Club Uniters. The great one thought they were raising monies for for Malcontents (is something wrong with this?) and therefore he tried to squash them.
Then a few hours later the correct facts surfaced and he realized he made a terrible and embarrassing error. He then duly apologized for the error. Which fixed nothing. The harm was already done. To an Innocent party. Apologies don't help.
The point here is he goes off like this frequently. At the committee meetings, at the officers meeting, even at the delegate meeting. When he is the Chair and in charge and supposed to be fair and just.
This is paranoia in its best. We have to get him, and his minions out before something even more serious happens.
Vote for the Recall
Vote for Term limits
Vote NO on the Budget - we need better numbers.
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