Friday, February 20, 2015

Bid Committee

I do not understand what is going on with our bidding system. In particular I am talking about the bid results for the Okeechobee Sign.

The info I get is that we have about $14,000 budgeted for the sign. The bids come back with only one bidder. He is bidding $44,000.

That just doesn't make sense. Why only one bidder? Why don't we have at least 3-4 bidders? What is the matter? I have been told that we are people that the contractors don't want to do business with. Why? I assume we pay our bills currently? Could it be that we set up inspectors and they are tough to deal with? I don't believe it. So what could the matter be? Do we not invite the right vendors?

I am sending a copy of this to the Cam Maybe he can enlighten us.


  1. The whole process is so secret and so confused that there is no process and nothing that makes sense. There is also no sense of what is a priority for the Villge and what is not. As for the money, they will pull it out of the slush fund they now have and when money is truly needed for something that we are contracted for or during an emergency we are going to be sitting there on our thumbs with nothing there for us. Sad but true unless we get them out as soon as we can.

  2. It's sad that you think that every time requests for bids are sent out and businesses do not want anything to do with Century Village, you would think they are going to pull the money out of some slush fund. What IS sad but true, is that companies put in bids for jobs, they get beat out by a lower bidder, or some company that has a better rep and gets picked over the lower bid, or the committees over whatever project keeps making changes and the Village is now known as being hard to deal with. I do not blame them for NOT wanting to bid on projects. Too many troublemakers, not worth the time or effort... And that comes from some of the people we seek bids from...

    1. So Bob you contend that the lackof bids for the sign is the fault of the malcontens? Or is it the fault of the Executive Committe? Or the chair?
      I think your info cannot be correct.

    2. No Gary, I am not blaming the malcontents, That is the fault of a creature that burrows itself into both factions...Indecision. And that causes changes to be made constantly within, and in turn when a bidder puts his bid in, changes are made left and right, and bidders start dropping out like flies. Then when only one company puts a bid in, everyone complains that there was only one bidder. True, there was only one bidder out of many that were sent requests. This village has a reputation for being difficult to deal with, thus few or no bids. It is not just the present administration that is causing this effect, all the petty committees and people that want to stick their noses in on everything but what they should be doing.
      Gary, you will notice that I have elected NOT to run for a second term on the Executive Board, Maybe I should explain why...
      I am sick and tired of all the infighting amongst the present administration and the malcontents. So sick of it that I just wanted to distance myself from BOTH sides. While I still support village wide WiFi and think those vying for each individual association getting their own contract with comcast, they seem to for one VERY important thing, WITH NUMBERS COMES POWER... power to dictate TO COMCAST what we want. There are other places the village can go for contracts for cable services THAT WOULD INCLUDE WIFI.
      I have made signs and worked for signmakers (Snyder and Bradford Sign and Display in Line Lexington, PA) in the past and I personally consider the bid to be on the high side. (I will consult with an expert shortly)
      We have enough people in this village that know how to do some of the things needed but the one thing that comes out when something needs to be done is another two creatures called GREED AND SELFISHNESS come out... They may have knowledge of how to do something, but they want to get paid for it... then they won't share any knowledge to help out their neighbors. UGLY little monsters that need to be squashed. ALL of them.
      The work I did for the Reporter saved them thousands. Even my program (left on the computer) is pretty valuable.
      The sign everyone is complaining about can be made less expensively.
      If the villagers here just came together and made some of these things and hired out just for the installation, we could save three fourths of that bid EASILY. But heaven help us if we were to work together on anything. It would be a definite sign of the world coming to an end.
