Monday, August 31, 2015

Can you believe this??

I have been told that the proposed by law amendments were soundly defeated at the Executive Bd today. No shock there when we have puppets of David there for the majority. However, I am given to understand that the demented one stated that since these by law proposals were defeated so soundly THAT HE WAS NOT GOING TO BRING THEM BEFORE THE DELEGATE ASSEMBLY.  Is this not grounds for immediate removal from his position on Friday. There certainly has to be a fuss about this, even a riot if need be at the DA on Friday. This cannot go without a response and a strong and determined one at that. help! Does anyone know the best way to proceed? 


This  has to be a complete disregard of the By-Laws and a complete disrespect of the DA. This absolutely calls for the recall of this completely out of control person.

First I met him at Publix, where he was mumbling "Cyber Terrorist" over and over again. Like a person completely out of control. Now the Cyber Bully, maybe just plain bully, is trying to abscond with the Delegate Assembly!!

Don't allow it, fellow Delegates! We are the CEO's, we are in charge. UCO should only be advising, but if he don't allow us to advise our sense and Consent, if we allow the President to take over our functions, then all will be lost. 

For sure your resale values will go into the tank. The world will be aware of this power play.

We cannot allow it!!!

We need Term Limits! 
We need a recall!

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