Thursday, November 5, 2015

My Views

So, I am a member of the United Civic Association. Why am I not on the UCO Email list. Is it so hard to recognized that not only must you be a member United Civic Organization, but you also must be a friend of the Bully Boy, Dave Israel. Or else no email!

So, I have watched and listened to the Executive Board meeting last week. I have few observations and comments.

First off I see that Gordetzer is up to her old tricks. When she is given the control of the meeting, as she was, in order to run the votes for By-Law changes she immediately let it be known that all comments will be limited. Limited to the point that the Commenter does not finish and his point is never made. Even if you are an elected member of this Committee. As was done to Stew Richland, twice.

It seems as if Dave Israel sees his chair at this Committee, at least, as a place to vent and use a sarcastic mouth to the elected members. As he did with a remark that a teacher with 54 honorable years in the field would be sent up to the principle's office if he did not shut up.

Aside from the fact, that I, as the Blog-master, is not privy to any of the UCO Emails, why are all us not privy to the minutes?

Jackie Carlin ranted about how a elected member suggested that the member votes should be accompanied with reasons incensed her as is evidenced with the remark "how dare you?" She felt that this is the place for secret votes with secret reasons. Demagogic don't you think?

Good ole Boy, Bully Boy, Dave Israel, threatened to close the meeting if arguments were continued. The fact that this is a tried and true method to end the discussions before a vote not withstanding.

A funny thing happened. Mr. Israel complained that WE have to stop going to the Lawyer 3 or 4 times to get a opinion on the same issue. What is funny is that he is the only guy going to his lawyer.

As usual the Chair and his disciplines lost sight of the reason for this Committee. It is to advise the Delegates. It is not to be decisions for the Delegates. All matters that are brought up for a vote at this Committee should be brought before the Delegate assembly.

A chief means for Villagers to hear and weigh the ideas of the candidates is via debates. Where do we have them? When?

Again they voted down the Term Limit proposal, with only the opposition having a chance to explain why, the proponents were kept quiet.

Did you expect a different outcome in the Voting? What with the same voting people on this Committee and as on all the other Voting Committees?

A last thing, the Elections are 5 months away, the Bully Boy has opened up the Electioneering period by his article in the Reporter. Now how does the competition get to reply? He or She is not welcome in the Clubhouse, at the Pools, on any of the lawns or even to be published in the Reporter.

Does that sound like a fair playing field to you?

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