Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Insane Posting by Israel

See below for the Insane Posting of the year

This is a insane posting by the Great Wizard, The tin man, the cowardly lion, Davis Israel. It frightens me in that it shows how far out of control our President is.

His description of what a Forensic Audit is absolutely correct. The problem he is alluding to, the fact that the Auditors have to be incorporated is not true. He don't understand. The auditors are the Delegates. Ed Grossman and friends are the the Volunteers.

The dictionary description of the Forensic Audit is right on. That is exactly why we want a audit. The great one says if we see stealing that we should go to the PBSO. Not necessarily. When we get the proof we need the state will be called in. In the meantime we will wait and watch and watch and watch...

But while we watch, what exactly is disruptive about opposition? Is the fact that we are against the dictatorial Moves by the Great One disruptive? Is the fact that we can post and reach most of the Voting Delegates disruptive? I don"t thinks so. His iron grip is going to be broken.

What exactly is David Israel and friends afraid of? Are they afraid that their sneaky moves will be recognized for what they are? Just sunshine laws abrogated. What is it about the WiFi effort that Israel keeps bringing it up over and over again? Remember we, the Delegate Assembly, voted it down 2 to 1. Do we have to do it again and again and again...?

Disruption, if any occured, is caused by the inept handing of th DA by its chair. His banging and accusing the Delegates of disruption is caused by the chair itself. His banging and yelling for quiet and order when quiet and order prevails, but the speaker is opposing his views so the gaveleer brings on the disruption.

The following is the rant by D.Israel

Phrase of the day
DEFINITION of 'Forensic Audit' An examination and evaluation of a firm's or individual's financial information for use as evidence in court. A forensic audit can be conducted in order to prosecute a party for fraud, embezzlement or other financial claims.
Apparently, there is a new auditing firm in CV, although I cannot find a Corporation filing in Florida Sunbiz! The team of Grossman, Loewenstein and Tetro, who are elected to do nothing in UCO, want to get their hands into UCO financial matters. A-Ok! Let’s have a look at this “offer”, do you think these three are unbiased actors in this case; of course not, one member of this un-vetted trio has regularly disrupted our Delegate Assembly for over four years, the other two are former officers of UCO, one of whom has no professional accounting experience whatsoever. They can’t seem to understand that they are no longer authorized to perform such “services” for the Village. Worse yet, their demonstrated bias preclude them from performing an “arms length” audit of UCO finances.
This ploy is yet one more disruptive tactic which is out of order from its inception.
Going back to the definition above, if these three "want-to-be" auditors, or anyone else, haveevidence of any sort of crime or fraud; they should know that the place to go, is to the PBSO and thence to the State Attorney for Palm Beach County.
The mob tactics demonstrated at our Delegate Assembly, the Email spamming of our residents, the name calling and condescending drivel published on the INTERNET, needs to be regarded with the disdain it deserves; if you have proof, go to PBSO. Only the combined efforts of our vast majority of reasonable Residents and Delegates can send the simple message that is required, “behave - or be gone”
Finally it must be noted that UCO’s finances have been audited by an independent accounting firm and UCO has received a clean  opinion. I have released this audit for the last two years.
Dave Israel

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