Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Balance sheet


On December 9, 2014 Mr. O’Brien prepared and subsequently distributed financial reports reflecting the various balances on hand “as at December
31, 2014.” 

The Balance Sheet is indicating “Current Year Revenue in Excess of Expense – Not Audited” as $400,437.  In and of itself this is not really that significant (in my opinion) when you compare it to the total budget for the year which is just shy of $6.7 million.

However, Mr. O’ Brien have you included the expenses – large and small – that may or not be known in actuality until January?  Security, Transporta-tion, electricity, telephone and fuel for the buses and cars will not be invoiced until then.

Your December 31st report “UCO Revenue and Expenses” indicates $350,000 under budget for 2014 in just two major items; Security and Transportation.  Does it not seem likely that most of this $350,000 will accrue to 2014 expense, thereby reducing the plus $400,000 in a significant way?

Mr. O’Brien, please give the residents of Century Village credit for being astute enough to realize that THIS Balance Sheet for the entire year cannot possibly be considered as representing the actual final accounting.
At the very least your report should say ESTIMATED with the assurance to
us that a final report will be distributed at the February Delegate Assembly. 

Remember what Mr. Lincoln said “. . . YOU CANNOT FOOL ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE TIME.”

Dorothy Tetro

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