Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wi-Fi revisted again - BEWARE - Scandals Part 3A

This is SCANDALS, PART 3A, a continuation of PART 3.  I suggest that you read PART 3 again before you continue with this PART 3A. 

This added section is intended for you to understand much further what this Wi-Fi hokey-pokey is all about, and perhaps get you to think what the bottom line is REALLY going to cost you.  Understand, once this slips through and is accepted, it is a long term deal and you won’t be able to change anything. 

The wool was pulled over your eyes regarding the $5,000,000 paving contract, and the drainage contract, -- and they will lie to your teeth in order to get this Wi-Fi approved.  Wi-Fi is good, yes, good, -- but for who? – David Israel!  Is Wi-Fi right now a state-of-the-art technology? – not by a long shot it isn’t. 

So, why was the budget turned down by the Delegates?  Two-thirds of the Delegates votes were needed to pass the budget and the vote fell far short of the votes needed.  The budget was voted down because most of the Delegates did not want the Wi-Fi monies included, and that was the only reason.  But, this is your present administration; -- they won’t listen to the people of CV. 

The original cost of Wi-Fi was $1.00; then it was recommended that it be reduced to $.50, but it wasn’t.  The president gave a long cock-and-bull story and then the cost was increased to $2.00.  (It was like selling a bucket of steam.)  Some people were willing to go with $2.00 per month.  Then, the president increased the projected monthly cost per unit to $3.00, and he guaranteed that that cost would be final.  Sounds like the paving con job all over again.  You may ask why?  Consider the following items that the president won’t talk about which, when applied, may raise the monthly sum appreciably. 

INSURANCE – This amount has not bas yet been determined, however, you can figure $.90 per hundred dollars of the value of the infrastructure. 

TAXES – There is a 15% Communications Tax, which could be as much as $.45 per month for each unit owner. 

ROUTER – Initial payment is to be by the Unit Owner, and that amount is projected to be $80.00.  

INTEREST – Whatever the Wi-Fi company want to charge.  It is not known at this time what the interest would be for a $1,000,000 payback. 

STORM DAMAGE – Any damage to the equipment due to hurricanes or other severe storms will have to be paid by the Unit Owners.  

ROUTER REPLACEMENT – If your router goes bad for any reason, and they do have a life span, YOU will need to pay for it once again, and the price may escalate. 

INSTALLATION COSTS – That cost will range from $300,000 to $1,300,000 depending upon which vendor is chosen. 

PRESENTLY HAVE Wi-Fi – If your building already has Wi-Fi, you’ll need to pay for it twice.  Or, you can cancel what you now have and that may be problematic for individuals and their Associations. 

INCREASES TO UNIT OWNERS – After a period of time, there will be increases – most especially if additional band width is required.  Just like come-ons by TV and telephone companies, you will get increases after a period of time and those increases will be something you will be able to do nothing about.

PAYOUT FOR EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATION – The payout for equipment and installation will be in the vicinity of 5½ years, according to a statement made by the president.  Before you buy something on time payments, you should know what you’re buying. 

REPAIRS – There is not enough information forthcoming to be able to determine the final projected costs.  If you demand that someone enter your home, - you’re going to pay for service. 

MAINTENANCE – DSL to cover first three years of normal maintenance.  Not enough information has been made available to determine the projected final costs. 

 SECURITY – This is NOT guaranteed . . . unless you want to believe that the world is coming to an end.   

This needs to be realized; -- the president wants Wi-Fi for himself.  He couldn’t care less about anybody else.  It is for him, and he will lie and lie again to get his way, - like a child fist-pounding on the table that his Cheerios have gotten soggy. 

He doesn’t care if 85% of the people of Century Village don’t want Wi-Fi.  Nor does he care if a similar percentage can’t afford Wi-Fi.  He further doesn’t care about snowbirds who would have use of Wi-Fi for just 2 or 3 months.  He doesn’t even care if you don’t own a computer.  That is just it – very simply, he doesn’t care!

The president needs to know everything about everybody.  He will spy on you because that’s his entire existence, -- spying on whomever he can.  Now think about this, -- the president can require the Wi-Fi vendor to provide him with names and addresses and router security codes of everyone in the Village, claiming that he can assist anyone who has forgotten their security code numbers, or lost it where they may have stored it.  The president will then have access to everybody’s very secret and private information.  He will deny it, -- similar to the roadway scam. 

Don’t be fooled, -- because they are very good at fooling people.  There are many, many questions, some of which cannot be answered at this time, and some that the president and the vendors don’t want to answer. 

After all is done and considered, you will probably be expected to pay somewhere between $4.00 and $8.00 depending upon a number of factors.  Does anyone who votes for Wi-Fi, because they have lots of money, really care about someone at the poverty level  who is collecting social security?  The Finance Committee cares; the Officers’ Committee cares; the Executive Board, well stocked by Israel people, does not care.  But, with an overwhelming vote, -- the Delegates care, and that’s what really counts. THINK ABOUT IT! 





  1. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand. I don't own a computer and maybe it's because I never learned how to use one. To tell you the truth, I don't need one. So tell me why I must pay for something that I don't need nor do I want.
    This note is being written by my friend on his computer, and he's afraid that the UCO president will come after him so he is going to sign it Anonymous.
    The buses I can understand because that, from what I gathered, is State mandated. I have no argument about the buses because I use them.
    If certain people that have the money want WIFI, then why can't their own association take up the matter and vote upon it. Why is the UCO president forcing this upon us? I'm sick of it.

  2. Join the club. There are many people who are upset about this whole thing. Wifi is not a bad idea when done right and perhaps you will want a computer or connectable device at some point. I will take the time to help you learn how to use the computer for email, Skype and other first level things should you get one. We do have to share the costs of all community projects here, but the point is, that any project must be done right, with sense and forethought. Why Dave wants this is anybody's guess. Maybe he wants to use it to sneak around on the Internet. Maybe he has no other goal in life? Maybe he wants to continue to waste our money on projects that are planned in a half assed manner. Maybe he can't help himself. In any case, he has got to go.
