Monday, August 29, 2016

Bits and Pieces 8/29/16

But the worst of all is Donald's claim that if he doesn't win the election is rigged. Get this logic. If the Donald loses then the Election was rigged. If the Donald wins then all is well. So, for the Donald, the election is a win-win. For the rest of us, well, you guess. 

So things keep changing. As far as Trump is concerned, his flagship thought, his main thought, his Immigrant plank is what? Does anybody know? Is this a pick and choose test? His main plank is so befuddled that even his surrogates are at a loss to explain it. Even Kellyann says his message is still the same, he has only changed his words. What?? So he has plans to explain it again this Sunday. As soon as he has thought it through. Maybe.

I don't really understand Donald Trump. I don't understand his changings. First, he opens saying we have to get rid of all the immigrants sneaking over our borders. Then he says, I didn't mean ALL the immigrants , just the ones that are criminal. No mention of his plans for our existing illegal immigrants. What are we to think?

Back to CVWPB, just what is wrong with our illustrious President? He has an article in the Reporter that is way off base. I don't think he knows of which he talks. I am talking about his warnings that those Associations that have opted to set up their own WiFi are doing something illegal. Not so!
We order the Association's Wifi and pay each month for its use. There is nothing hidden here.

Comcast is very happy with this arrangement. We are happy with this arrangement.The unit owners are happy with this arrangement.

The great one  is not.

His arrogance knows no bounds The reason for this is that he wants to sell us his Village wide WiFi system. We don't need it! We don't want it! Stop pushing David!

1 comment:

  1. There is something seriously wrong with him. I have been saying this for a long time already. But why are we any different from the rest of the country - we have a seriously "off" president and the country has a majorly off person running for president and I do not mean Hillary!
